Our Values
Reaching Up: Seeking deep intimacy with God
We believe in experiencing God in a meaningful way. Church should be a place where people sense the very presence of God. Here at Battersea, we strive to promote authentic worship, a personal and community prayer life and a responsible and insightful study of the word of God.
Reaching In: Nurturing and developing spiritual growth and maturity
We believe in people. God designed the church to fulfill our need for genuine relationships and spiritual growth. We’re devoted to building an engaged, passionate, spiritually healthy community of people. Here at Battersea, we desire to meet the needs of the individual. That is, the physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual needs. With this purpose in mind, we encourage participation and support through fellowship, small groups and personal development programs. Our goal is to establish every follower of Christ more firmly in the Gospel message.
Reaching Out: Equipping for service
We believe every follower of Christ is a witness. The church is to be a training center. It is to inspire, educate and equip the church to fulfill the Gospel commission. Here at Battersea, we seek to discover and unleash everyone’s potential for ministry. To compel our members to have a burden for their friends and a passion for the lost. We encourage participation in practical training programs and community outreach initiatives.