Our Beliefs

As Seventh-day Adventists, our greatest passion is introducing people to Jesus and the hope of salvation. Of all the Biblical teachings, the salvation that God offers through faith in Jesus is paramount.

We Believe That:
Salvation is ours through faith, and it is made possible by Gods grace, and the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Saturday, the seventh day of the week, is the Sabbath of our Lord. The Second Coming of Christ is literal and near. Christ is now in the Most Holy Place of the Heavenly Sanctuary, where He is making intercession for mankind.

Our Fellowship
Ours is a transforming fellowship, where faith and family are fostered. We are committed to reflecting to a disbelieving world, the love and character of God. This commitment is manifested in our community involvement, in our sponsorship of our various Adventist schools, in our support of denominational health care facilities, and in our involvement in disaster relief, both locally and worldwide. In the fulfillment of our commitments, our members are afforded opportunities to use their talents in service to God and mankind.

Study, Assimilation, & Practice of Beliefs
The study, assimilation, and practice of our beliefs are evidenced by a disciplined lifestyle, which emphasizes worship, and stewardship of time, resources, and body. The fulfillment of the mission our Church will result in an improved quality of life for our members as well as the community. In addition, Battersea Seventh-day Adventist Church will be a spiritual, growing church, preparing to meet God.